What's New in MAGMAhpdc?

  • Reduced / efficient simulation model – You can now simulate die filling using simple gate geometries (inlets).
    • With MAGMASOFT® 6.1, it is possible to simulate die filling with the help of simple gate geometries (inlets). This allows users to get a first rough idea about the filing process without requiring a complex runner system, while substantially reducing calculation time.
  • 'Virtual Gate' function – create multiple gates for one part
    • The new 'Virtual Gate' function in MAGMAhpdc enables die casters to position multiple inlets directly on the casting and reference the gating system to them. This allows a quick initial assessment of the die filling process without explicitly defining the gating system, shot chamber or shot parameters.
  • New filling definitions in MAGMAhpdc – Three new filling definitions (known from gravity casting) are now available:
    • 'Filling Time'
    • 'Filling Rate'
    • 'Pressure Curve'
  • These definitions are only available if no shot chamber has been defined.
  • Useful when a part is being completely redesigned and neither the casting system nor the machine are fixed
  • The shot chamber is no longer a factor, so there's no need to enter the shot parameters in the Geometry Perspective.
Latest Publication

MAGMASOFT® 6.1 – Advancing Low Pressure Die Casting and Sustainability

With extensive revisions and new functionalities, MAGMASOFT® enhances the simulation of low pressure die casting processes, and expands the capabilities for die casters and users of MAGMA CC and MAGMA C+M. For the first time, MAGMASOFT® includes a dedicated process module for rheocasting and thixomolding. In addition, a new ECONOMICS perspective enables users to quantitatively assess costs and CO₂.

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System Requirements

MAGMASOFT® is available for all suitable current operating systems such as Linux and Windows. MAGMASOFT® can be used on multi-processor computers or massively parallel on cluster computers.

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